2nd Annual USMC Carnival Day

Join us on Tuesday February 28 from 11a..m.- 2p.m. in Brennan Hall as we celebrate our 2nd Annual USMC Carnival Day in anticipation of the start of Lent (Ash Wednesday), which marks the beginning of the Season of Lent in the Catholic tradition and liturgical calendar.

The feast of Carnival, at its origin, is a Christian festival that precedes the beginning of Lent (Shrove Tuesday).  It is during this time that as Christians, we indulge, celebrate, eat, and dance, in order to allow for a strong sense of unity as we prepare over the next 40 days to enter into the holiest week of the Christian calendar (Holy Week), where we enter into and participate in the paschal mystery, that is, the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Let us therefore come together and enjoy and honor each other’s presence by celebrating this great feast.  We do so by collaborating with USMC student clubs, the participation of our Commuter and Residence Dons, all departments, as well as our faculty, staff and alumni.  Do not miss out!  Looking forward to seeing you.

Angelo Minardi, Director of Campus Ministry