Remembrance Day Service

University of St. Michael's College 81 St. Mary St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada

On Thursday, Nov. 11 at 10:30 a.m., St. Michael's will hold a Remembrance Day Service in front of the Soldiers' Memorial Slype, the archway between Fisher House and More House. Please join us as we honour our students who were killed in wartime and all who have lost their lives in battle.

St. Michael’s Annual Christmas Drive

University of St. Michael's College 81 St. Mary St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada

From Nov. 15 to Dec. 8, join the University of St. Michael's College and U of T Campus Police in our annual Christmas drive. This year, we welcome donations of new or lightly used winter accessories (hats, mittens, toe and hand warmers, socks) to the St. Basil's Out of the Cold program, and gift cards […]

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women Candlelight Service

University of St. Michael's College 81 St. Mary St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada

December 6 marks the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, also known as White Ribbon Day. Join us outdoors between Brennan Hall and Elmsley Hall for a short candlelight service as we remember the 14 women murdered in 1989 at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal and pray for all women who are […]

Being a Listening Church Beyond the Synod on Synodality

University of St. Michael's College 81 Saint Mary Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, June 9 | 7 pm | Alumni Hall Rm 400, 121 St. Joseph Street The Office of Campus Ministry at University of St. Michael’s College is hosting this year’s Canadian Catholic Campus Ministry (CCCM) conference. A part of the conference that will be open to the public is the Annual Sherlock Lecture. This year’s lecture is […]

Christmas Market

Elmsely Place , Canada

Join us on December 8, 3-7pm Join both student and alumni vendors for our first annual Christmas Market, and enjoy baked goods, handmade gifts, and more! Partial proceeds will go to this year's winter charities, St. Basil's Out of the Cold and Romero House. Click here for more information.