Office of the Registrar
The Registrar’s Office is the first stop for academic advice. Come in to our offices at Brennan Hall and meet our friendly professional advisors with a wealth of experience in all areas of academic life and support, including financial support, registration, course selection, program selection, and academic progress.
In-person appointments take place in Brennan Hall, 81 St. Mary Street, and are strongly encouraged!
Hours of operation: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, and 1:30 pm to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. Telephones are answered from 10-12 and 2-4 on weekdays.
Drop-In Advising Sessions
Virtual 1-1s with an academic advisor: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am-10:00 am. No registration required. Just show up through Zoom on the SMC Office of the Registrar course.
In-person 1-1s with an academic advisor: Wednesday afternoons from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Just show up at our office in Brennan Hall and register with one of our friendly advisors!
Office Location & Contact Information:
Brennan Hall, 81 St. Mary Street
If you are a high school guidance counsellor looking to introduce your students to the University of St. Michael’s College, click here to book your visit today.
- Admission Awards
St. Michael’s College offers several admission scholarships to our most qualified incoming students each year. Students who select SMC as their first choice will be automatically considered upon admission; those receiving scholarships will be notified in their letter of offer. Preference is given to students who select SMC 1st when admission scholarships are being distributed.
The Ronald Anthony Pigott & Anne Marie Magee Pigott Scholarship #4371(OSOTF II) and #4392 (OTSS) –
To be awarded to University of St. Michael’s College undergraduate students on the basis of financial need. Academic merit will also be considered. The incoming student must demonstrate financial need; are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of enrollment; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the enrollment.
Value: Approx. $1,000 – $2,000
The Unger Family Scholarship- #3491
The Unger Family Scholarship is a merit-based student award to be made available to an incoming or a returning undergraduate student registered at the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto. In addition to academic excellence, determined by USMC at the time of selection, the student must demonstrate financial need.
Value: Approx. $2000
Anna Mary Bridget Loftus Scholarship- #4367 & #4388
To be awarded to University of St. Michael’s College undergraduate students on the basis of financial need. Academic merit will also be considered. Preference to students enrolled in Celtic Studies.
The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need; are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the enrollment; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the enrollment.
Value: Approx. $3,000
The Honourable H. T. Kelly Memorial Scholarship
To support one undergraduate student registered at St. Michael’s College based on academic merit (High 80s average on admission).
Value: Approx. $3,500
Father John M. Kelly C.S.B. Award #3503
To provide financial assistance to a student that is an Ontario resident, who has an average of high 80’s upon admission and has selected to attend St. Michael’s College as their choice of college. To support one student based on demonstrated financial need and academic merit.
Value: Approx. $1,000
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada Admission Scholarship #1904
To be awarded to a female undergraduate of the Catholic faith, who has indicated on her application to the University of Toronto that St. Michael’s College is her first college of choice. St. Michael’s College, in conjunction with the sponsorship and administration of the Toronto Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada, cooperate in awarding this scholarship. The awarding of the scholarship is based on a number of factors: eligibility, first choice of college, and high mid-average marks on admission. Financial need also considered. The applicant should have a high mid-average marks on admission and must be entering the Faculty of Arts and Science.
Value: $3000 (1 award)
This scholarship is an externally administered by the Toronto Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada (CWL). All applications are to be submitted directly to the CWL.
Application has closed for 2024-2025. Please check back for 2025-2026 application info. For more information please contact:
Catherine Von Zuben
Catholic Women’s League – Toronto Diocese
Education and Health Sub-Convener
Ph: 905-889-3786
E-mail: catherine.vonzuben@outlook.comGerald S. Horgan Residence Award #1910
Admission award available to a St. Michael’s College undergraduate student entering first-year. Applicant must demonstrate their interest in campus life and athletics involvement. Recipient must live in residence at St. Michael’s College in their first year of full-time study. This residence credit award is intended to allow SMC students to begin their education in one of its residences and will be applied as a credit on residence fees.
Value: $1,000
SMC WORTHI Award #3054
Awarded to a full-time domestic undergraduate student who is registered at the University of St. Michael’s College and is pursuing a degree in Arts & Science (STEM courses) at the University of Toronto. The student identifies as an “immigrant” (defined as primarily those who have immigrated to Canada as a child or young adult) and demonstrates financial need as determined by the institution’s policies.
In addition, the award will be considered an entrance scholarship in the first year, and renewable to the same student in subsequent years, provided the student maintains a minimum GPA of C+. If not, the award will once again be considered an entrance scholarship and renewable to the new student.
Value: $7,500
Gino and Roberta Scapillati Bursary #3421
To be awarded to an undergraduate student registered at St. Michael’s College and enrolled in the Faculty of Arts & Science with acceptable academic standing. Preference will be given to a student who attended high school in the Niagara region.
Value: Approx. $1,000 – $2,000
The Melissa Clubbe Memorial Admission Scholarship #3431
A renewable admission award of $2,000 per year, offered to an incoming student who has indicated St. Michael’s as their first choice of college in the Faculty or Arts and Science, has graduated from an Ontario high school with an average in the mid 80’s or greater and who intends to pursue a program in the Humanities and/or Social Sciences, with preference to award this scholarship to students who demonstrate financial need. This award can be renewed for years 2, 3 and 4 if the student maintains a 3.0 GPA (B average).
Value: $2,000
The Clayton W. Kehoe Scholarship #3441
A renewable admission award of $3,000 in the first year, and $1,500 in the following three years, offered to an incoming full-time student registered at the University of St. Michael’s College. Applicants must have an 80’s average on admission and wish to pursue a Humanities or Social Sciences program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Priority will be given to applicants from Ontario who reside in these regions, in the following order: 1) Grey-Bruce County; 2) Parry Sound; 3) Toronto. The value of the award is $3,000 ($2,000 tuition and $1,000 residence).
A renewable component of $1,500 ($1000 tuition and $500 residence) per year over three years will be made available based on the recipient maintaining an annual grade point average of at least 3.50 on full time course load in the fall/winter sessions at St. Michael’s College. The scholarship is applied to the next year of full-time study at St. Michael’s.
Value: $3000 in first year, and $1,500 in subsequent years if criteria are met.
Vincent Wroblewski Memorial Prize #3474
To be awarded to an undergraduate student registered at St. Michael’s College whose chief concentration of studies is in the Physical Sciences. Recipient to be chosen, on the basis of need.
Value- Approx. $500
The Sutton Family Scholarship -#3475
Awarded annually to entering undergraduate students attending St. Michael’s College, who are registered in Faculty of Arts and Science. These awards, valued at $4,000 are renewable for up to 4 years for students who maintain acceptable (metric) academic standing. Preference to those with financial need.
Value: $4,000
The Victor Dodig Scholarship in Rotman Commerce #3486
The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of merit to a full-time, domestic, undergraduate USMC student with strong leadership potential who is admitted to the Rotman Commerce Program. Special consideration will be given to academic ability, involvement in sports/extracurricular/community engagement and leadership.
The award was created to support students who are interested in studying the disciplines associated with the Management Specialist (e.g., marketing, strategy, and organizational behaviour), or as second priority, Finance Specialist.
Value: Approx. $2,400
The Janet Elizabeth Faulds Award #3493
Established by the estate of Janet Faulds to provide annually one or more needs-based awards to undergraduate students registered at St. Michael’s College. Janet Faulds received her Masters in Religious Education from USMC Faculty of Theology in 1992 (when she was 54 years old). Janet devoted her life to the education of children and taught in Victoria, Vancouver, and Toronto (TCDSB).
This needs-based award was created to help undergraduate students who need a hand; getting them started or enabling them to continue their post-secondary education. The intention of this award, as expressed by the donor is “to give young people in financial need a chance”…”to let them know someone is there for them”.
Students may apply for this award and/or candidates can be nominated by high school teachers or principals or identified by the USMC Registrar’s office and/or by faculty members or staff in USMC.
Value: Approx. $2,000
The C.D. Howe Memorial Residence Scholarship (OSOTF/OTSS) #4313
To enable eligible St. Michael’s College students to begin their undergraduate education in the College residence. The award will be applied as a credit on residence fees.
The recipient(s) must register in St. Michael’s College and live in one of its residences, must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.
Value: Approx. $4,000 (multiple available)
The Louis L. Odette Residence Scholarship #4314
To enable eligible St. Michael’s College students to begin their undergraduate education in the College residence. The award will be applied as a credit on residence fees.
The recipient(s) must register in St. Michael’s College and live in one of its residences, must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the enrollment; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the enrollment.
Value: Approx. $5,400
King Charles III Admission Scholarship #4315
This renewable admission award has been established to encourage in undergraduate students in St. Michael’s College a loyal appreciation of the role of the Monarchy or, more specifically, of the King or Queen of Canada and his or her predecessors in Canadian history, government, and society. The monetary value of each admission award and each renewal will be approximately $2,000.
Recipients must be in good academic standing. The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need; are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the enrollment; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the enrollment.
The award also offers a St. Michael’s first-year residence credit funded by the St. Michael’s College Foundation. Recipients must have a high 80s average on admission, and who indicate St. Michael’s College as choice of college in the Faculty of Arts & Science. Renewability is conditional on the recipient’s (1) continuing to demonstrate financial need, (2) maintaining a Sessional Grade Point Average of 3.5 (A standing) on a standard course load of 5.0 degree credits in each Winter Session, and (3) returning to full-time studies at the College in the following Winter sessions.
Value: $2,000
The Doris Annie Davies Admission Scholarship #4317
Recipients must have a high 80s average on admission, and indicate St. Michael’s College as choice of college in the Faculty of Arts & Science.
The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need; are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the enrollment; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the enrollment.
Value: Approx. $3,800
Wilfred S. McDonnell, Q.C. Residence Scholarship #4318
To enable eligible St. Michael’s College students to begin their undergraduate education in the College residence. The award will be applied as a credit on residence fees.
The recipient(s) must register in St. Michael’s College and live in one of its residences, must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.
Value: Approx. $4,000
The Rev. John M. Kelly, C.S.B, Residence Scholarship #4319
To enable eligible St. Michael’s College students to begin their undergraduate education in the College residence. The award will be applied as a credit on residence fees.
The recipient(s) must register in St. Michael’s College and live in one of its residences, must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.
Value: $2,000 – $5,000
The Hubert Sceats Memorial Residence Scholarships #4328
To enable eligible St. Michael’s College students to begin their undergraduate education in the College residence. The award will be applied as a credit on residence fees.
The recipient(s) must register in St. Michael’s College and live in one of its residences, must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.
Value- $2000 – $5000
The Karlo and Barbara Duvnjak Family Bursary #4335
To provide financial assistance to University of St. Michael’s College students enrolled in the Faculty of Arts and Science.
The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.
Preference will be given to students of Croatian or German background.
If there is no eligible student of Croatian or German background, students from Northern Ontario (includes North Bay and regions north of) will be considered. If there is no eligible student from Northern Ontario, students with financial need will be considered.
All candidates will require a letter of recommendation from their parish priest or a priest/religious at USMC.
Value: $3,000 (multiple available)
Robert and Mary Catherine (Ware) Birgeneau Scholarship (multiple award funds #4343, #4369)
To provide financial assistance to University of St. Michael’s College students. The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application. In awarding this scholarship, St. Michael’s will give preference to academically qualified high school graduates applying for entrance to the first year at St Michael’s in the following order:
- a student from St. Helen’s Parish, Toronto
- a student from St. Anthony’s Parish, Toronto
- a student from another parish located in what would be considered the downtown urban core area of Toronto
Value: Approx. $4,000
The Pope Francis Admission Scholarship- #4370 and #4390
To provide financial assistance to University of St. Michael’s College students. High 80s average on admission; indication of St. Michael’s College as choice of College in the Faculty of Arts & Science.
The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.
Renewability is conditional on the recipient’s (1) continuing to demonstrate financial need, (2) maintaining a Sessional Grade Point Average of 3.5 (A- standing) on a standard course load of 5.0 degree credits in each fall-winter sessions, and (3) returning to full-time studies at the College in the following fall-winter sessions.
Value: $2,500
OTSS Residence Bursary #4372
To enable eligible St. Michael’s College students to begin their undergraduate education in a College Residence. The award will be applied as a credit on residence fees. To be awarded to undergraduate students on the basis of financial need.
The recipient(s) must register in St. Michael’s College and live in one of its residences, must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.
Value: Approx. $3,000
OTSS Desmond Wong Award #4373
To provide financial assistance to University of St. Michael’s College students. Preference to graduates of Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School with a high average on admission.
The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.
Value: Approx. $2,800
- Newly Admitted Students
Click here to visit the SMC Newly Admitted Students website.
- Instructions for Graduating Students
Instructions for Graduating Students
The University offers graduation ceremonies twice a year: Spring Convocation in June and Fall Convocation in October/November.
If you’re looking to graduate this spring or fall or wondering what the graduation process will look like for you, follow the instructions below!
Your Degree Progress
It is crucial that you keep track of your degree requirements, which includes the requirements of your program(s). Please refer to Degree Explorer before enrolling in courses to find out which requirements are incomplete. You may need to hold off on requesting graduation if you are unable to complete all your requirements.
Make sure that you are following the program requirements listed on Degree Explorer. Degree Explorer lists all the requirements necessary for your program(s) for the year in which you enrolled in them.
- If you have any questions or concerns related to specific program requirements, we encourage you to contact the appropriate department. See Program/Academic Units.
- If you have any questions related to general degree requirements, we encourage you to contact the Registrar’s Office at
- If you are unable to enrol in a course that you require to graduate, you may speak to one of our Academic Advisors about the Dean’s Promise. (See The Dean’s Promise)
Requesting Graduation
- June 2025
Note January 31, 2025 is the deadline for prospective graduates to submit their graduation request on ACORN. If you missed this deadline, please contact immediately.
- November 2025
Requests for November 2025 graduation will open on ACORN in July and August. The ceremony will take place in late October or early November.
If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to
Name Changes
Your name as it appears on ACORN is the name that will appear on your diploma.
Please confirm that the name that is recorded on ACORN is the name you wish to display on your diploma. If not, contact us at at least two months before the date of your Convocation. You will need to present appropriate identification that contains the correct name (such as your driver’s license or passport).Graduation Photos by Lassman Studios
Look for periodic e-mails from us regarding grad photos.
To appear in the June Class Composite, you have opportunities to take grad photos in December, February, and March.
To appear in the November Class Composite, you have opportunities to take grad photos in August and September.
Convocation Ceremony Dates and Graduation Checklist
See the Office of Convocation website., for ceremony dates, instructions to RSVP your attendance, graduation regalia (gown & hood), and guest tickets.
- John H. Moss Scholarship Fund
John H. Moss Scholarship Fund
The John H. Moss Scholarship is awarded to outstanding undergraduate students in Arts and Science at the University of Toronto (St. George, Mississauga and Scarborough campuses), who are intending to pursue a second degree or studies at the graduate level. The award recognizes academic achievement and extra-curricular involvement.
One scholarship of $20,000 is awarded annually to a student who demonstrates outstanding academic and extracurricular leadership. Candidates who are interviewed as Moss finalists, but not selected as the Moss Scholar will be designated UTAA Scholars and will receive an honorarium and certificate in recognition of their achievements. Award recipients will be honoured at the Awards of Excellence ceremony to be held in the spring.
Eligibility: Recipient must:
· be an undergraduate student in Arts and Science at the University of Toronto (St. George, Mississauga or Scarborough campus);
· have a minimum grade point average of 3.3 (B+);
· demonstrate outstanding academic and extra-curricular leadership;
· be in his or her graduating year, and intending to pursue a second degree or studies at the graduate level.
· Award Type: Current students
Action: Application Required
Availability: Domestic Students International Students
Level of Study: Undergraduate
Deadline to Apply: Monday, December 2, 2024 (5:00pm EST)
Value/Amount: $20,000
How to Apply: John H. Moss Scholarship application instructions and form
SMC students are invited to contact for support with the application and interview process.
- Grants
Grants – sometimes also referred to as ‘bursaries’ – are non-repayable awards awarded according to demonstrated financial need. “Financial need” is determined via a student’s provincial student loan assessment (e.g. OSAP, BCSAP, etc.).
Undergraduate Grants at St. Mike’s
St. Michael’s need-based grants are non-repayable.
Expected Student Contribution
The university and the Province expect students with financial need to contribute annually toward their educational costs via summer and part-time study period employment.
One of the best employment opportunities available to OSAP recipients is the Work Study program. Students may apply via CLNx.
IT Grant
Students who are eligible for a SMC grant are also eligible for a one-time IT grant towards the cost of a new or repaired laptop. The IT grant is valued at up to $750.00. Proof of purchase or repair is required.Eligibility
Current, full-time, registered, domestic St. Michael’s College students who have applied for provincial student loans (i.e. OSAP, BCSAP etc.) and who are pursuing their first undergraduate degree are eligible to apply for consideration for financial aid towards educational costs accrued during the 8 month academic year (September – April).
Non-degree students are not eligible.
Students who keep the Ontario Tuition Grant (OTG) portion of their OSAP and elect to decline their OSAP loans are not eligible.
Students receiving OSAP and out-of-province student loans are expected to have applied for UTAPS before applying for college-level grant funding.
St. Michael’s grants will not replace a student’s UTAPS funding.
Students may apply for grants using the Undergraduate Grant Application available on ACORN.
If you wish to be considered for a financial need grant before the Winter Break, please submit your completed application before Friday, November 15, 2024.
Grant applications will close March 28, 2025 (5:00 pm).
Grant applicants are expected to make reasonable use of their Fall student loan installment and generally should not demonstrate financial need until close to the end of the Fall study session.
Direct deposit
Grants will be credited against outstanding tuition or residence fees. Any amount remaining will be issued as a refund. Refunds will be processed only through direct deposit to a bank, which must be set up on ACORN.
Grants vary in value; most are in the $250-$2500 range.
Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. Applications are reviewed within 6-8 weeks from the date of their submission. Inaccurate, incomplete, or unrealistic applications will take longer.
Students who are eligible to submit an OSAP Review will have their grant application placed on hold, pending the outcome of their Review.
Grant applications will be accepted from eligible applicants until the last teaching day of the semester in April.
Submissions and Accessibility
If you are unable to submit your grant application via email due to Accessibility-related concerns, please contact and we will be happy to assist you with your application submission.
Grants will not…
A grant will not replace a lack of OSAP or other government assistance resulting from:
- failing to apply in a timely manner
- default/arrears on previous OSAP loans
- permanent restriction due to income verification issues
- OSAP academic suspension
- OSAP credit-check failure
A grant will also not:
- provide support or emergency aid to parents, relatives and partners
- be used to cover tuition
- be used to pay credit card and other debts
- fund optional summer studies
- cover medical or dental costs covered by the UTSU and APUS or other Health Plans
- address misspending or financial mismanagement of OSAP
- replace increased OSAP funding potentially available to a student via any one of a number of OSAP Review appeals
International Students
Before being granted admission to Canada, Canada Immigration requires international students to demonstrate that they have adequate resources in place. International students are not eligible for the University’s general college-level grants program.
If, however, your personal and/or familial financial circumstances have unexpectedly changed since your arrival, you may be eligible to be considered for emergency funding by the University’s Registrars Office.
The University of Toronto provides other kinds of support for international students. For more information, please see our International Students page.
Summer Study Session
Students taking summer studies may apply for funding consideration via Summer OSAP.
St. Mike’s does not provide grant funding to students enrolled in Summer Abroad programs. The Summer Abroad office offers a number of need-based grants to registrants. Summer Abroad students who enroll in additional summer courses may be eligible for Summer OSAP.
St. Mike’s does not make grant applications available to students who elect to undertake studies during the Summer sessions.
The university’s expectation is that students with financial need will pursue employment during the summer months in order to contribute toward their education-related costs during the upcoming eight-month academic year (September – April).
External Funding
You may also wish to review the following sources of funding external to St. Michael’s:
Arts & Science Awards for Incoming Students
Noah Meltz application
Noah Meltz application is now available, please visit: The Noah Meltz Program of Financial Assistance – University Registrar’s Office.
The Meltz grant helps undergraduate students in certificate, degree, diploma programs, including the Academic Bridging Program; pursue their University of Toronto studies on a part-time basis.
Eligible students receive a non-repayable grant for the tuition cost of up to two credits during the fall/winter session and up to one credit during the summer session. The grant amount also includes a set amount for books, transportation to and from classes and, if applicable, child care.
Students studying on a part-time basis should apply to Part-Time OSAP, in additional to applying for the Meltz grant. When students apply for Part -Time OSAP, the Meltz application will be considered after OSAP results are available. The University Registrar’s Office will review the two assessments to determine which program would provide the best source of funding (e.g., which program provides more total funding or which program provides more non-repayable grant). Students may also be eligible for a top-up Meltz grant in addition to Part-Time OSAP.
Students can submit one application per session.
Upcoming deadlines to apply for Noah Meltz:
- Fall (September – December) deadline: October 31, 2024
- Winter (January – April) deadline: February 28, 2025
- Full Year (September – April) deadline: February 28, 2025
For additional details about the Noah Meltz program please visit:
The Noah Meltz Program of Financial Assistance – University Registrar’s Office
- Government Financial Aid
For information about OSAP and other Government Aid visit OSAP and Other Government Aid.
- University of Toronto Financial Aid (UTAPS)
UTAPS (the University of Toronto Advanced Planning for Students program) is U of T’s largest need-based support program and covers the financial gap between a student’s actually education costs and the costs recognized by their provincial/territorial government student financial aid program. In other words, UTAPS is a non-repayable grant that may help cover unmet financial need.
All eligible students will need to complete the financial need application through the Need Navigator tool, along with any supporting documentation as stated on the application, by the deadline.
The application forms are now available to all students for the 2024-25 academic year.
Please note that the University does not generally provide UTAPS estimates to students. However, all students will be notified of their application results.
- UTSU Student Aid Program
What is the UTSU (University of Toronto Student Union) Student Aid Program
The Student Aid Program is an initiative aimed at providing financial assistance to students facing economic challenges. Through this program, students can apply for bursaries using a Google form found on the UTSU Student Aid Program website: to an external site.
The program was initially expanded during the Spring 2020 SAP Referendum, where students agreed to contribute $1.00 per semester to fund the program. Subsequent referenda further increased the contribution to $3.00 per semester as of Spring 2023, ensuring a sustainable pool of funds to support students in need.
Students can apply for one bursary (the Student Aid Bursary) which could grant them up to $500 to use on any of the following categories below:
- The Book and Academic Supplies category reimburses students for some of the costs associated with buying books or other academic supplies such as laptops or notebooks during the academic year.
- The Exam Deferral Fees category reimburses students for some of the costs associated with deferring a fall or spring exam during the academic year.
- The Academic Conferences and Pursuits category assists students with the financial costs of expanding their academic experiences (e.g., attending a conference).
- The Health and Wellness category provides financial support to students planning who need additional help covering the costs of seeing a therapist or paying for prescription drugs. Applicants will be asked to demonstrate that they are already using the UTSU’s Health and Dental Plan, or another form of coverage.
- The Accessibility Needs category is meant to help students with accessibility needs get through university smoothly.
- The Transit category is built for commuter students to help them pay for the cost of a PRESTO card.
- The Emergencies category is available to students who find themselves in sudden financial need, whether that be an inability to pay rent, needing groceries or sudden loss of income.
- The Other University Fees and Transaction category is meant to assist students with the costs associated with microtransactions such as TopHat or WileyPlus.
- The Professional Faculty Mandatory Placements category is designed to alleviate the financial burden that health-related professional faculty students face while completing their work experience requirements by providing them access to funds.
All UTSU members experiencing financial hardship are encouraged to apply for aid through this program, but it’s essential to have contributed to the fund to be eligible for support. Applications for the Student Aid Bursary are open for the fall term from September 15th to October 15th.
How to Apply
1) Check your eligibility
All UTSU members in financial need are encouraged to apply. Please note that you must have contributed to this fee in order to receive support from the fund; please check your ACORN invoice if you are uncertain.
2) Apply
Students can apply for bursaries using the Google form found on the UTSU Student Aid Program website: to an external site.
Please ensure your information is correct and has included all necessary details when you submit your application. Applications for the Student Aid Bursary are open for the fall term until October 15th.
- Fees and Payments
The amount of tuition you pay depends on factors such as program, year of study, and your course load. Fees for registration include academic fees as well as incidental fees and ancillary fees.
Tuition fees are typically finalized as follows:
- Fall/Winter tuition fees in mid-July
- Summer tuition fees in mid-April
To view current fees applicable to you, please check your Financial Account on Acorn. Learn more about fees here.
Paying your fees:
There are a number of ways to pay your University of Toronto fees including at your bank, online, over-the-phone or by credit card. Fee payment is accepted only for fees billed on your ACORN invoice by payment options described here on the Student Accounts website.
Once you have successfully enrolled in your courses, it is essential to fulfill the payment requirements promptly. Ensure that you pay at least the minimum initial installment of your fees by the specified deadline, or officially defer your fees if applicable.
Paying your fees:
Please visit our Student Accounts website for detailed information regarding upcoming fee dates and deadlines.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact our office
- Accessibility Services
Accessibility Services at the University of Toronto provides students who have temporary and permanent disabilities with academic accommodations. Advisors are located both in the central office and on-location. The on-location Accessibility Advisor at St Mike’s is located in Brennan Hall, adjacent to the Registrar’s office. Further information on how to register can be found here. Learn more about the full range of Academic Accommodations that can be provided for you.
- Learning Strategy Support
Learning strategists help students identify their learning goals and “learn how to learn” in a way that is efficient, effective and motivating. They offer practical, individualized strategies for active studying and exam preparation, tackling projects and assignments, managing time and navigating academic resources. They can also help with challenges like procrastination, perfectionism, and academic stress.
Both SMC and central learning strategy appointments are now available on the same Folio calendar which students can log into with their UTORid and password. SMC appointments with our dedicated learning strategist are offered online and at the Kelly library, while central appointments are offered online and at 800 Bay Street (Bay and College). Learn more and book here. Students are also invited to check out the Centre for Learning Strategy Support (CLSS) workshops, programs, peer supports and helpful resources and videos on a variety of learning topics.
- Math Success Centre
Math Success Centre
The SMC Math Success Centre provides an opportunity for students to connect with a TA for one-on-one support in their math (MAT) courses. The Success Centre is offered in the Kelly Library Room 105 (main floor). For questions related to the Math Success Centre, kindly email with your name, student number, and which MAT courses you are enrolled in. Join the Quercus page for more information.
- Computer Science Success Centre
Computer Science Success Centre
The SMC Computer Science Success Centre provides a “drop-in” opportunity for students to connect with a TA for one-on-one support in their computer science (CSC) courses. The Success Centre is located in Kelly Library room 105. Questions related to the Computer Science Success Centre? Email with your name, student number, and which CSC courses you are enrolled in. Join the Quercus page for more information.
- Health and Wellness
- Wellness Advising Appointments:Emily VanBerkum-Farahat is a registered social worker available for informal, confidential one-on-one ‘Wellness Advising’ appointments. Wellness Advising is a caring conversation with a mental health professional. It involves co-identifying immediate needs, exploring health services, making referrals, as well as supporting the development of healthy coping skills and determining an action plan for practical next steps. Click here to book a virtual or in-person appointment with Emily.
For a comprehensive list of Health and Wellness resources offered by St. Michael’s College and the University of Toronto, click here.
If you or someone you know is in distress
- Ontario Mental Health Helpline: 1-866-531-2600
- Gerstein Centre Crisis Line: 416-929-5200
- U of T Health & Wellness Centre: 416-978-8030
- Canada Suicide Prevention Service phone available 24/7: 1-833-456-456
- Catholic Family Services: to arrange for an Online Quick Access Single Session, call 416-921-1163 or 416-222-0048 and leave a message with your name and contact information.
- To get health advice or general health information from a Registered Nurse in Ontario, call Health811 at 811 (toll free TTY line: 1-866-797-0007) or visit the Health811 website.
If you need to talk to someone right NOW:
- U of T Telus Health Student Support: 24/7 at 1844-451-9700
- Good2Talk: 24/7 at 1-866-925-5454
- Navi: Your mental health wayfinder
University of St. Michael’s College Resources a single point of access for students to find the help they need, including:
- Learning Strategists
- Accessibility Services
- The Writing Centre
- Writing & Research Help Centre
Meet with professional writing instructors and librarians online or in-person (Kelly Library) to level up your writing skills, improve your assignment submissions, and research your projects effectively. We support St. Mike’s students in all disciplines.
For more information, visit:
- Career Support
Career Education & Exploration starts early at SMC!
St. Michael’s College has a dedicated Career Educator that can assist students in feeling prepared for the profession throughout their degree. Career Educators support students and recent graduate as their build their futures in the changing world. Your Career Educator can help you explore what you can do with your degree, discover job opportunities as we all navigate further education. Book one-on-one career advising appointments, attend alumni webinars, join the Career & Co-Curricular Network for resources to get connected to research, mentorship and co-curricular experiences.
- Library Services
The Kelly Library at USMC offers comfy study spaces, group study rooms, lots of books and ebooks, course reserves, and technology and gaming loans. Academic support services offered at the library include writing help, research help, and learning strategists. Kelly is also home to the Kelly Cafe, the Print Studio, Special Collections: Archives and Rare Books, and the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (PIMS) Library.
For more information, visit:
- Awards & Scholarships
The University of St. Michael’s College offers various awards for students based on academic excellence, financial need, and community involvement.
For more information, visit: Awards and Scholarships – University of St. Michael’s College