St. Michael’s Schola Cantorum

St. Michael’s Schola Cantorum

The St. Michael’s Schola Cantorum is an auditioned ensemble of staff, faculty, alumni/ae, students, and friends of the University of St. Michael’s College. Drawing from the rich treasure trove of the Church’s song, we perform three concerts a year for significant feasts and seasons in the liturgical calendar, in the acoustically rich space of St. Basil’s Church. Our Schola is dedicated to the aim of spiritual enrichment of our university community through the transformative beauty of sacred music. Founded by Professor Michael O’Connor, the Schola is led by Dr. Christina Labriola, Director of Music for Campus Ministry at USMC.

Our 2024-2025 Season

Concerts are free admission, with donations gratefully accepted in support of Campus Ministry outreach programs.

Michaelmas: September 23, 2024, 7:30 pm
Michael Haydn: Missa Sancti Gabrielis and Te Deum
Advent: December 9, 2024, 7:30 pm
Saint-Saëns: Christmas Oratorio
Lent: March 17, 2025, 7:30 pm
Jommelli: Requiem

Interested in joining us?

The Schola rehearses on most Monday evenings throughout the academic year. To arrange for an audition, contact Christina at

Past Performances

Lent 2024: Durante Lamentations and Magnificat
Advent 2023: Medieval Marian Song
Michaelmas 2023: Isabella Leonarda
Lent 2023: Mozart Mass
Advent 2022: O Antiphons
Fall 2022: Mystical Songs
Lent 2022:
Holy Week Podcast
Lent 2020: Caldara Stabat Mater and Missa Dolorosa

Advent 2019: Palestrina and Verdelot
Michaelmas 2019: Schütz and Tunder
Lent 2019: Purcell Funeral Anthems
Advent 2018: Waiting in Joyful Hope
Michaelmas 2018: Haydn Nelson Mass
Lent 2018: Buxtehude Membra Jesu Nostri
Advent 2017: Begotten of Light
Michaelmas 2017: Mexican Baroque

Lent 2017: Schütz and Scheidt
Advent 2016: Star of the Sea
Michaelmas 2016: Vivaldi Gloria
Lent 2016: Byrd Mass
Advent 2015: Handel Foundling Hospital Anthem
Michaelmas 2015: Charpentier Te Deum
Lent 2015: Monteverdi Messa da Cappella
Advent 2014: Inspired by Venice
Michaelmas 2014: Telemann and Purcell