Orientation & Peer Mentorship

First Year Experience

The First Year Experience here at St. Mike’s is full of opportunities to build community, try new things, and find your place at UofT.

Starting with Welcome day in June, all the way through to the end of your first year, we have events and programs designed just for you!

Read A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding the SMC’s Slang, to get better acquainted with Campus!


Incoming First Year Students:

Orientation is a must attend week of events and activities that allow you to make friends and to become familiar with the University of St. Michael’s College campus before entering first year. By integrating both academic and social programming into Orientation, St. Mike’s strives to provide you with the proper tools needed to feel comfortable and prepared as you begin your undergraduate journey at the University of Toronto.

This year, our Orientation programming will be offered in person, from August 25th to August 29th. 

Orientation events will take place before the start of classes with a “choose your own adventure” style, meaning you can participate in as much, or as little of our programs as you like! (but we think you will want to attend them all 😉 ) 

Being one of the largest colleges and Orientation groups at U of T, our goal is to ensure that Orientation programming fosters a sense of belonging and excitement within our tight knit St. Mike’s community. More importantly, we want to connect you with the proper resources necessary to facilitate exceptional academic success throughout your time on campus.

By completing this form and providing us with some information, we will be able to better cater Orientation to your needs. This form will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Make sure to follow @smc_orientation and check out our website https://stmikesorientation.com/ to stay updated!

Upper Year Student Volunteers:

Upper Year students wishing to participate in Orientation week are invited to apply for the following positions:

Orientation Coordinators

Orientation 2019, Photographer Ethan Deneault

Student Staff who are hired to oversee the planning, execution, and development of Orientation. These positions are posted in December/January of each year, check back here around that time for a link to apply. 

Orientation Marshals

Orientation 2019, Photographer Ethan Deneault

Student Staff who are hired to support the OC’s throughout planning, by overseeing specific events, and participating in various portfolios such as Registration and O-Cup or Social Media. These positions are posted in March of each year, check back here around that time for a link to apply.

Orientation Leaders

Orientation 2019, Photographer Ethan Deneault

Student Volunteers who are hired to support the Marshals during Orientation Week, who oversee specific student groups, and are the first connection for first year students with the campus community. These positions are posted in March/April of each year, check back here around that time for a link to apply.

As a first-year student at the University of St. Michael’s College, you have a unique opportunity to be a part of St. Mike’s Mentorship Program! The St. Mike’s Mentorship Program is designed to support the transition of first-year students into St. Mike’s and university life. The program provides trained, upper-year students who model positive qualities and foster personalized relationships with each mentee. This year, our team consists of 2 Coordinators, 6 Senior Mentors, and 58 mentors. We come from over fifteen countries around the world and can speak more than a dozen different languages! The transition to UofT is not always easy, but we’re dedicated to ensuring a smooth, valuable, and welcoming entrance into your university years! To learn more about the program, check out this video

Follow them on their Instagram @smc.mentorship or contact the program coordinators at smc.mentorship@utoronto.ca 

For more information on related opportunities at the University of Toronto, visit Mentorship & Peer Programs