Leadership Excellence And Development (L.E.A.D Training)
Campus Life is excited to roll out our streamlined student leadership training program for 2024-2025.
Throughout this training package, you will learn about what training steps you have to complete and the information about training.
The goals of the LEAD Training Program are to ensure that:
- Students feel equipped to take on the responsibilities of their roles
- Students feel aware of resources on and off campus
- Students develop soft skills to grow as leaders in the community, that are transferrable for their future work beyond their time at the University
- Students feel connected to the values of the community and are able to integrate these values with their own personal values, and the work they do in their roles
Based on your role and responsibilities you have been slotted into training groups. You are responsible for completing all the trainings up to and inclusive of your “step.” While the trainings are in steps, you are not required to complete them in any order. We invite you to register and attend the trainings that are convenient for you and your schedule.
Training Pathway

The trainings are offered to all student leaders in roles that are overseen by the Campus Life department at SMC. This means you will be training and meeting other student leaders throughout your training pathway!
You are required to complete all of the steps leading up to and including your assigned step. Find your role in the chart below to know what step you have been assigned.
Step 1 | All student leaders must complete this step – it is also open to all UofT students |
Step 2 | – Mentor-Leaders – Orientation Leaders – Yearbook Staff – The Mike Executives |
Step 3 | – Orientation Marshals – Senior Mentors – Club Executives – The Mike Editor-In-Chief – AMPlify Coordinator |
Step 4 | – Orientation Coordinators – Mentorship Coordinators – Commuter Coordinators – SMCSU Councillors – St. Mike’s Residence Council Members – Student Campus Ministers |
If you do not see your role listed above,
please email your staff supervisor, or smc.studentlife@utoronto.ca for clarification.
Step 1: Training for All
A. SafeTALK (In Person Synchronous)
SafeTALK (Suicide Alertness for Everyone) training is a 3.5-hour workshop offered in-person only, which aids students in developing skills in talking about suicide and making referrals to support those who may be experiencing thoughts of suicide.
This training is open to any University of Toronto student. This training is sponsored by the University of St. Michael’s College.
Upcoming SafeTALK Training Dates:
- May 23 at 5-8:30 PM
- May 25 at 2-5:30 PM
- June 8 at 9-12:30 PM
- June 18 at 5-8:30 PM
- August 17 at 9:30 AM – 1 PM
- August 23 at 5:30-9 PM
- August 24 at 5:30-9 PM
- September 25 at 5:30-9 PM
Virtual Consent and EDI Trainings
The intended audience for these trainings is non-Orientation student leaders.
Orientation Staff will have the opportunity to attend in-person JOLT, which has a consent component. JOLT is scheduled for August 23 from 10 AM – 3 PM.
However, if you are unable to attend JOLT, please contact smc.orientation@utoronto.ca.
B. Consent (Virtual)
Consent training is a 2-hour workshop aimed at fostering a culture of respect and understanding. Students will learn the importance of enthusiastic and ongoing consent in all interaction and become advocates for creating safe and inclusive environments.
Upcoming Consent Training Dates:
- June 12 at 10 AM – 12 PM
- August 12 at 2- 4 PM
C. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (Virtual)
EDI training is a 2-hour workshop in which students will develop the skills needed to foster an inclusive campus environment where every individual feels valued and respected. These sessions delve into topics such as unconscious bias, intersectionality, and privilege.
Upcoming Consent Training Dates:
- June 4 at 10 AM – 12 PM
- August 12 at 1- 3 PM
Register for L.E.A.D. Today!
Click below to view our Eventbrite page. By viewing the Collections page, you will be able to sign up for each Step of the Pathway that you are required to complete.
Step 2: Lead by Example
A. Conflict Resolution & Referrals (In-Person or Virtual)
This 2-hour-synchronous training session will focus on skills for conflict resolution, boundaries, communication, problem-solving and more!
Upcoming Conflict Resolution & Referrals Dates:
- May 13 at 5-7 PM – Virtual
- May 25 at 11 AM – 1 PM – In-Person
- August 12 at 5-7 PM – Virtual
- August 22 at 5-7 PM – In-Person
- September 18 at 5-7 PM – Virtual
Step 3: Build Your Vision
A. Project Management (In-Person or Virtual)
This 2-hour-synchronous training session will focus on skills for event planning, finances and budgeting, and risk management.
Upcoming Project Management Training Dates:
- May 22 at 5-7 PM – In-Person
- June 4 at 5-7 PM – Virtual
- September 17 at 5-7 PM – Virtual
Step 4: Big Picture
A. Overnight Leadership Retreat
The Leadership Retreat is an overnight retreat held at Albion Hills Field Centre in Caledon ON. This three-day & two-night retreat will offer participants a chance to grow in the community, reflect on valued based leadership, and develop skills essential for collaboration and cooperation in their roles.
Upcoming Date:
Monday May 6- Wednesday May 8 2024 (more details to be communicated by your staff advisor), this is mandatory for those holding the following roles:
- SMCSU Councillors
- Orientation Coordinators
- Mentorship Coordinators
- Commuter Coordinators
- SMRC Councillors
- Student Campus Ministers
B. Peer Management Skills (In-Person or Virtual)
This 2-hour-synchronous training session will focus on skills for leading student staff and peers and aiding in the leadership development of your teams.
Upcoming Date:
- May 23 at 3-5 PM – In-Person
- June 5 at 5-7 PM – Virtual
- September 24 at 5-7 PM – Virtual