The University of St. Michael's College

Admissions Awards

St. Michael’s College Admission Awards and Criteria

St. Michael’s College offers several admission awards to our incoming students each year. Students who select SMC as their first choice will be automatically considered upon admission; those receiving scholarships will be notified in their letter of offer. Preference is given to students who select SMC 1st when admission awards are distributed. Below, you will find the criteria for all admission awards. The application link will be available for all incoming students in June 2025.

Values of awards are subject to change depending on availability.** Ontario residents as defined in OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) guidelines. See the link for more information on eligibility: Full-Time OSAP – University Registrar’s Office.

Admission Awards for Domestic Students (Ontario Residents**)

To be awarded to University of St. Michael’s College undergraduate students on the basis of financial need. Academic merit will also be considered. Preference to students enrolled in Celtic Studies.

The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need; are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the enrollment; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the enrollment.

Value: Approx. $3,000

To provide financial assistance to a student who is an Ontario resident, who has an average of high 80s upon admission and who has selected to attend St. Michael’s College as their choice of college. To support one student based on demonstrated financial need and academic merit.

Value:  Approx. $1,000

To be awarded to an undergraduate student registered at St. Michael’s College and enrolled in the Faculty of Arts & Science with acceptable academic standing.  Preference will be given to a student who attended high school in the Niagara region.

Value: Approx. $1,000 – $2,000

This renewable admission award has been established to encourage in undergraduate students in St. Michael’s College a loyal appreciation of the role of the Monarchy or, more specifically, of the King or Queen of Canada and his or her predecessors in Canadian history, government, and society. The monetary value of each admission award and each renewal will be approximately $2,000.

Recipients must be in good academic standing.  The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need; are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the enrollment; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the enrollment.

The award also offers a St. Michael’s first-year residence credit funded by the St. Michael’s College Foundation. Recipients must have a high 80s average on admission and indicate St. Michael’s College as their choice of college in the Faculty of Arts & Science. Renewability is conditional on the recipient’s (1) continuing to demonstrate financial need, (2) maintaining a Sessional Grade Point Average of 3.5 (A standing) on a standard course load of 5.0 degree credits in each Winter Session, and (3) returning to full-time studies at the College in the following Winter sessions.

Value: $2,000

A renewable admission award of $2,000 per year, offered to an incoming student who has indicated St. Michael’s as their first choice of college in the Faculty or Arts and Science, has graduated from an Ontario high school with an average in the mid-80s or greater and who intends to pursue a program in the Humanities and/or Social Sciences, with preference to award this scholarship to students who demonstrate financial need. This award can be renewed for years 2, 3 and 4 if the student maintains a 3.0 GPA (B average).

Value: $2,000

To provide financial assistance to University of St. Michael’s College students.  Preference to graduates of Loretto Abbey Catholic Secondary School with a high average on admission.

The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.

Value:  Approx. $2,800

To provide financial assistance to University of St. Michael’s College students.  The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.  In awarding this scholarship, St. Michael’s will give preference to academically qualified high school graduates applying for entrance to the first year at St Michael’s in the following order:

  1. a student from St. Helen’s Parish, Toronto
  2. a student from St. Anthony’s Parish, Toronto
  3. a student from another parish located in what would be considered the downtown urban core area of Toronto

Value: Approx. $4,000

Recipients must have a high 80s average on admission and indicate St. Michael’s College as their choice of college in the Faculty of Arts & Science.

The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need; are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the enrollment; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the enrollment.

Value: Approx. $3,800

To provide financial assistance to University of St. Michael’s College students enrolled in the Faculty of Arts and Science.

The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.

Preference will be given to students of Croatian or German background.

If there is no eligible student of Croatian or German background, students from Northern Ontario (includes North Bay and regions north of) will be considered. If there is no eligible student from Northern Ontario, students with financial need will be considered.

All candidates will require a letter of recommendation from their parish priest or a priest/religious at USMC. Value: $3,000 (multiple available)

To provide financial assistance to University of St. Michael’s College students.  High 80s average on admission; indication of St. Michael’s College as choice of College in the Faculty of Arts & Science.

The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.

Renewability is conditional on the recipient’s (1) continuing to demonstrate financial need, (2) maintaining a Sessional Grade Point Average of 3.5 (A- standing) on a standard course load of 5.0 degree credits in each fall-winter sessions, and (3) returning to full-time studies at the College in the following fall-winter sessions.

Value: $2,500

To be awarded to University of St. Michael’s College undergraduate students on the basis of financial need.  Academic merit will also be considered.  The incoming student must demonstrate financial need; are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of enrollment; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the enrollment.

Value: Approx. $1,000 – $2,000

A renewable admission award of $3,000 in the first year, and $1,500 in the following three years, offered to an incoming full-time student registered at the University of St. Michael’s College. Applicants must have an 80’s average on admission and wish to pursue a Humanities or Social Sciences program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Priority will be given to applicants from Ontario who reside in these regions, in the following order: 1) Grey-Bruce County; 2) Parry Sound; 3) Toronto.  The value of the award is $3,000 ($2,000 tuition and $1,000 residence).

A renewable component of $1,500 ($1000 tuition and $500 residence) per year over three years will be made available based on the recipient maintaining an annual grade point average of at least 3.50 on full time course load in the fall/winter sessions at St. Michael’s College. The scholarship is applied to the next year of full-time study at St. Michael’s.

Value:  $3000 in first year, and $1,500 in subsequent years if criteria are met.

Admission Awards for Domestic Students (Any Province/Territory in Canada)

The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of merit to a full-time, domestic, undergraduate USMC student with strong leadership potential who is admitted to the Rotman Commerce Program. Special consideration will be given to academic ability, involvement in sports/extracurricular/community engagement and leadership.

The award was created to support students who are interested in studying the disciplines associated with the Management Specialist (e.g., marketing, strategy, and organizational behaviour), or as second priority, Finance Specialist.

Value: Approx. $2,400

Awarded to a full-time domestic undergraduate student who is registered at the University of St. Michael’s College and is pursuing a degree in Arts & Science (STEM courses) at the University of Toronto. The student identifies as an “immigrant” (defined as primarily those who have immigrated to Canada as a child or young adult) and demonstrates financial need as determined by the institution’s policies.

In addition, the award will be considered an entrance scholarship in the first year, and renewable to the same student in subsequent years, provided the student maintains a minimum GPA of C+.  If not, the award will once again be considered an entrance scholarship and renewable to the new student.

Value: $7,500

This needs-based award was created to help undergraduate students who need a hand; getting them started or enabling them to continue their post-secondary education.  The intention of this award, as expressed by the donor is “to give young people in financial need a chance”…”to let them know someone is there for them”.

Established by the estate of Janet Faulds to provide annually one or more needs-based awards to undergraduate students registered at St. Michael’s College.  Janet Faulds received her Masters in Religious Education from USMC Faculty of Theology in 1992 (when she was 54 years old). Janet devoted her life to the education of children and taught in Victoria, Vancouver, and Toronto (TCDSB).

Students may apply for this award and/or candidates can be nominated by high school teachers or principals or identified by the USMC Registrar’s office and/or by faculty members or staff in USMC.

Value: Approx. $2,000

Awarded annually to entering undergraduate students attending St. Michael’s College, who are registered in Faculty of Arts and Science.   These awards, valued at $4,000 are renewable for up to 4 years for students who maintain acceptable (metric) academic standing. Preference to those with financial need.

Value: $4,000

Admission Awards for International and Domestic Students (Any Province/Territory in Canada)

To support one undergraduate student registered at St. Michael’s College based on academic merit (High 80s average on admission). Renewable should the student maintain an Annual Grade Point Average of 3.5 (A- standing) on a standard course load of at least 4.0 degree credits each year, and (2) returning to full-time studies at the College in the following fall-winter sessions. 

Value: $3000-$4000

The Unger Family Scholarship is a merit-based student award to be made available to an incoming or a returning undergraduate student registered at the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto. In addition to academic excellence, determined by USMC at the time of selection, the student must demonstrate financial need.

Value:  Approx. $2000 

To be awarded to an undergraduate student registered at St. Michael’s College whose chief concentration of studies is in the Physical Sciences.   Recipient to be chosen, on the basis of need.

Value: Approx. $500

To be awarded to a female undergraduate of the Catholic faith who has indicated on her application to the University of Toronto that St. Michael’s College is her first college of choice. St. Michael’s College, in conjunction with the sponsorship and administration of the Toronto Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada, cooperate in awarding this scholarship.  The awarding of the scholarship is based on a number of factors: eligibility, first choice of college, and high mid-average marks on admission. Financial need is also considered.  The applicant should have high mid-average marks on admission and must be entering the Faculty of Arts and Science.

Value: $3000 (1 award)

This scholarship is externally administered by the Toronto Diocesan Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada (CWL).  All applications are to be submitted directly to the CWL.

Application has closed for 2024-2025. Please check back for the 2025-2026 application info. For more information, please contact:

Catherine Von Zuben
Catholic Women’s League – Toronto Diocese
Education and Health Sub-Convener
Ph: 905-889-3786

Admission Residence Awards

A renewable admission award of $3,000 in the first year, and $1,500 in the following three years, offered to an incoming full-time student registered at the University of St. Michael’s College. Applicants must have an 80’s average on admission and wish to pursue a Humanities or Social Sciences program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Priority will be given to applicants from Ontario who reside in these regions, in the following order: 1) Grey-Bruce County; 2) Parry Sound; 3) Toronto.  The value of the award is $3,000 ($2,000 tuition and $1,000 residence).

A renewable component of $1,500 ($1000 tuition and $500 residence) per year over three years will be made available based on the recipient maintaining an annual grade point average of at least 3.50 on a full-time course load in the fall/winter sessions at St. Michael’s College. The scholarship is applied to the next year of full-time study at St. Michael’s.

Value: $3000 in the first year and $1,500 in subsequent years if criteria are met.

Residency: Domestic, Ontario Resident

Admission award available to a St. Michael’s College undergraduate student entering first-year.  Applicant must demonstrate their interest in campus life and athletics involvement. Recipient must live in residence at St. Michael’s College in their first year of full-time study.  This residence credit award is intended to allow SMC students to begin their education in one of its residences and will be applied as a credit on residence fees.

Value: $1,000

Residency: International or Domestic

To enable eligible St. Michael’s College students to begin their undergraduate education in the College residence. The award will be applied as a credit on residence fees.

The recipient(s) must register in St. Michael’s College and live in one of its residences, must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.

Value: Approx. $4,000 (multiple available)

Residency: Domestic, Ontario Resident

This renewable admission award has been established to encourage in undergraduate students in St. Michael’s College a loyal appreciation of the role of the Monarchy or, more specifically, of the King or Queen of Canada and his or her predecessors in Canadian history, government, and society. The monetary value of each admission award and each renewal will be approximately $2,000.

Recipients must be in good academic standing.  The recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need; are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the enrollment; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the enrollment.

The award also offers a St. Michael’s first-year residence credit funded by the St. Michael’s College Foundation. Recipients must have a high 80s average on admission and indicate St. Michael’s College as their choice of college in the Faculty of Arts & Science. Renewability is conditional on the recipient’s (1) continuing to demonstrate financial need, (2) maintaining a Sessional Grade Point Average of 3.5 (A standing) on a standard course load of 5.0 degree credits in each Winter Session, and (3) returning to full-time studies at the College in the following Winter sessions.

Value: $2,000

Residency: Domestic, Ontario Resident

To enable eligible St. Michael’s College students to begin their undergraduate education in the College residence. The award will be applied as a credit on residence fees.

The recipient(s) must register in St. Michael’s College and live in one of its residences, must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the enrollment; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the enrollment.

Value: Approx. $5,400

Residency: Domestic, Ontario Resident

To enable eligible St. Michael’s College students to begin their undergraduate education in the College residence. The award will be applied as a credit on residence fees.

The recipient(s) must register in St. Michael’s College and live in one of its residences, must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.

Value: Approx. $4,000

Residency: Domestic, Ontario Resident

To enable eligible St. Michael’s College students to begin their undergraduate education in the College residence. The award will be applied as a credit on residence fees.

The recipient(s) must register in St. Michael’s College and live in one of its residences, must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.

Value: $2,000 – $5,000

Residency: Domestic, Ontario Resident

To enable eligible St. Michael’s College students to begin their undergraduate education in the College residence. The award will be applied as a credit on residence fees.

The recipient(s) must register in St. Michael’s College and live in one of its residences, must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.

Value: $2000 – $5000

Residency:  Domestic, Ontario Resident

To enable eligible St. Michael’s College students to begin their undergraduate education in a College Residence. The award will be applied as a credit on residence fees. To be awarded to undergraduate students on the basis of financial need.

The recipient(s) must register in St. Michael’s College and live in one of its residences, must demonstrate financial need, are Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or protected persons under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) at the time of the application; and are residents of Ontario at the time of the application.

Value: Approx. $3,000

Residency: Domestic, Ontario Resident