Possible TTC disruption – June 7
A potential strike by TTC workers beginning on June 7 could result in transit service disruptions and impact travel to campus for convocation, classes or other on-campus activities. Please ensure […]
A potential strike by TTC workers beginning on June 7 could result in transit service disruptions and impact travel to campus for convocation, classes or other on-campus activities. Please ensure […]
Budo-taijutsu focuses mainly on self-defense and on the defense of others, using realistic training methods. Through training in the Bujinkan system, students can learn personal security, discipline and a code […]
Budo-taijutsu focuses mainly on self-defense and on the defense of others, using realistic training methods. Through training in the Bujinkan system, students can learn personal security, discipline, and a code […]
Join SMC's boardgaming club, Pair-A-Dice for their weekly Dungeons and Dragons Sessions here on campus! To learn more about the event and how to participate, follow them at https://www.instagram.com/pairadicebgc/
Kudoki kung fu teaches traditional forms (kata), a variety of sparring and grappling techniques, and integrates self-defense into classes. The focus is on traditional and contemporary martial arts, emphasizing mind, body, […]
Budo-taijutsu focuses mainly on self-defense and on the defense of others, using realistic training methods. Through training in the Bujinkan system, students can learn personal security, discipline and a code […]
Budo-taijutsu focuses mainly on self-defense and on the defense of others, using realistic training methods. Through training in the Bujinkan system, students can learn personal security, discipline and a code […]
Budo-taijutsu focuses mainly on self-defense and on the defense of others, using realistic training methods. Through training in the Bujinkan system, students can learn personal security, discipline and a code […]
Congratulations to the class of 2024! Recommended route to Myhal Centre and Convocation Hall via Hoskin Ave to St. George St, then south to Myhal. Immediately after Convocation, there's a […]
Please contact the Office of the President for more information: usmc.presidentsoffice@utoronto.ca. Thank you.
Kudoki kung fu teaches traditional forms (kata), a variety of sparring and grappling techniques, and integrates self-defense into classes. The focus is on traditional and contemporary martial arts, emphasizing mind, body, […]
Budo-taijutsu focuses mainly on self-defense and on the defense of others, using realistic training methods. Through training in the Bujinkan system, students can learn personal security, discipline and a code […]