Celebrating The Most Wonderful Time of the Year at St. Mike’s

Celebrating The Most Wonderful Time of the Year at St. Mike’s

The signature blue lights are up, the vendors are registered for the Christmas Market, and all that’s missing from St. Mike’s plans for the holidays is a little snow.

With the First Sunday of Advent falling on December 3rd this year, seasonal events kick off this week as everyone is mindful of exams and assignments and preparations to head home for the holidays. This Thursday, November 30th, will see a dinner for student leaders hosted by the Office of the Dean of Students and the Office of Campus Ministry, with residence dinners to follow on December 5th and 6th.

Creche in Brennan Hall

On Monday, December 4th, St. Michael’s beautiful creche set will be placed in Brennan Hall for all to contemplate. That evening, the University of St. Michael’s College Schola Concert, an annual tradition, will take place in St. Basil’s Church at 7:30 p.m. Under the direction of Dr. Christina Labriola, the Schola will perform Hymns to the Virgin: Marian Chants and Devotional Songs for the Advent Season. The concert features soprano Katherine Hill. Admission to the performance is free, with donations welcome.

On Wednesday, December 6th, St. Mike’s Campus Ministry is hosting a Lessons and Carols at Regis College in the evening at 7 pm.

In what will be a very busy week, Thursday, December 7th marks the annual alumni tea, a time-honoured favourite, hosted in Father Madden Hall from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. There is still time to register for this much-loved event, which includes high tea treats, carols, and lots of holiday cheer.

After the tea, all are invited to join in the fun at St. Michel’s second annual Christmas Market. If you attended last year, you’ll remember how much fun it was. If you didn’t try to make it down to get a taste of St. Mike’s Christmas spirit. There’ll be music, vendors selling everything from tasty treats to one-of-a-kind jewellery, and there’ll be poutine and beavertails to snack on! Best of all is the fact that a portion of sales will be donated to Romero House, a local home for migrants and refugees.

On December 8th, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the noon Mass at St. Basil’s will include music by St. Basil’s Schola, with everyone then heading off to the annual staff luncheon, where normally quiet and staid University employees will compete to see who, in fact, has the ugliest Christmas sweater.

But the heart of St. Mike’s is much bigger than just parties and socializing. Once again this year, Campus Ministry is collecting monetary donations for Romero House, as well as items for the guests who visit St. Basil’s out of the Cold program. The suggested gift list for Out of the Cold guests includes socks, gloves, sleeping bags, hand and toe warmers, and $20 grocery store gift cards. All items can be dropped off in the Campus Ministry Lounge, located in Brennan Hall 101. Donations opened on November 20 and will be accepted through December 11.

Of course, all are invited to stop by our Oasis in the City to take in the festive lights because winter on campus is one of our four favourite seasons. The lights are up until late January and definitely offer a cheery response to the cold dark days of early winter so please plan on stopping by and saying hello.