Below you will find several documents that are important for understanding the governance of St. Michael’s. Regis College and USMC Memorandum of Agreement — October 20, 2021The Memorandum of Agreement between Regis College and the University of St. Michael’s College. Land Acknowledgement We wish to acknowledge this land on which the University of St. Michael’s College operates. Condemnation of anti-Asian violence — March 23, 2021Condemnation of anti-Asian violence USMC Foundational StatementsA document outlining the vision, mission and values of the University. Inclusiveness StatementThe USMC Inclusiveness Statement. UofT/USMC Federation Framework Agreement 2008 & Operational Funding Agreement 2008The UofT/USMC Federation Framework Agreement & Operational Funding Agreement defines the unique relationship between St. Michael’s and the University of Toronto, with which it is federated. UofT/TST Memorandum of Agreement | 2014The UofT/TST Memorandum of Agreement establishes the unique relationship between the University of Toronto and the Toronto School of Theology, which comprises the St. Michael’s graduate theology faculty along with six other institutions of graduate education in theology. USMC Senate StatutesThe USMC Senate Statutes provides a detailed overview of the Senate of the University and statutes pertaining thereto. USMC By-Laws – Amended and Restated June 16, 2021The USMC By-Laws provides a detailed overview of the constitution of the University and the laws pertaining thereto. USMC Act | 2005The USMC Act is a provincial act recognizing the University of St. Michael’s College as an incorporated entity, and it outlines the roles and responsibilities of both the University and its constituent parts. Load More Share Post Share Print Email