Image depicts the Kelly Library exterior in the spring time

Chief Librarian Announces the Summer Fellow in Digital Humanities

Robyn Jane Carino
Robyn Jane Carino

Sheril Hook, Chief Librarian of the John M. Kelly Library at the University of St. Michael’s College, is pleased to announce that Robyn Jane Carino has been appointed as the undergraduate Summer Fellow in Digital Humanities at the Kelly Library. Ms. Carino was selected from a pool of undergraduates with experience in digital humanities. Ms. Carino is completing her honours degree in St. Michael’s Book and Media Studies program with minors in Anthropology and Digital Humanities. As the Summer Fellow, she will assist the Chief Librarian and Dr. James Ginther (Faculty of Theology) as they develop plans to create a digital humanities studio in Kelly Library. She will collect data about existing DH centres in North America and will assist in interviews of leading scholars in this field as St. Michael’s determines best practices for a DH studio. “I’m so excited to help create a plan for Kelly Library’s DH studio through research,” Ms. Carino said. Digital Humanities, she also noted, “has already made all the difference in enriching my undergraduate experience.”

The Summer Fellowship is funded by a generous grant from the Critical Digital Humanities Initiative (CDHI) at the University of Toronto. The CHDI seeks to “gather together researchers, students, and collaborators from both the humanities and the data sciences to tackle some of the most pressing challenges of our time.” St. Michael’s is proud to collaborate with the CDHI with this opportunity.