Cynthia Cameron, Assistant Professor of Religious Education and the Patrick and Barbara Keenan Chair in Religious Education, has received a US$2500 fellowship grant from the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion in Crawfordsville IN. The grant follows her participation in the 2022 Hybrid Workshop for Early Career Theological School Faculty and supports her continued exploration of liberatory learning in graduate theological education.
Her funded project, entitled “Canadian Indigenous Pedagogies for Theological and Religious Education,” explores best practices informed by Indigenous scholars of critical pedagogy with an eye towards cultivating a stance of ally-ship in the struggle for reconciliation. Her goal in learning about Indigenous pedagogies is not only to incorporate them into her regular practice of teaching at the Regis St. Michael’s Faculty of Theology, but to invite her students to think theologically and pedagogically about their own practices of religious education, faith formation, and pastoral ministry.