Elijah Gardner Establishes Community Centered on Physical and Mental Wellness

Elijah Gardner Establishes Community Centered on Physical and Mental Wellness

Running club founder, podcaster and don are some of the outlets Elijah Gardner accesses to advocate for physical and mental well-being on campus. His own experiences at St. Mike’s have laid a solid foundation for him to draw upon when offering support.

Elijah Gardner with fellow podcast hosts

“I think my interests seem very random, but they all stem from my passion to advocate for mental health,” he says.

Elijah is in his third year of kinesiology and physical education at the University of Toronto. He joined the St. Michael’s community in the second semester of a challenging first year. In between adjusting to university life, balancing his coursework and part-time job with a long commute from Stouffville, his dad was diagnosed with cancer.

When a spot became available in Elmsley Hall in the winter term, Elijah moved in. In addition to cutting down on the time he spent commuting, he found a supportive community and a space where he could flourish. On campus, he sought out and found the supports and resources to help him adjust, including just down the hall. “My don was there for me during my first year for my wins and my losses,” he says.

His grades started to improve and when he took a class with Dr. Linda Trinh, whose area of research includes exercise oncology, he asked questions about her work. Using what he learned, he created a training regimen for his dad, who was undergoing cancer treatment. “Watching him get better through exercise alongside his treatment was really cool and it was possible in part due to me being at U of T and St. Mike’s,” he said.

“Academia can feel very cold and clinical. For me, it’s been important to find the reason I’m doing all these things. Being a part of a community like St. Mike’s has helped me to do better because I feel so connected to everyone,” he says.

Elijah and peers painting a banner for Dean's Cup

In his second year he was elected President of the Residence Council, where he fostered open communication among his fellow residence council members Jessica Chung, Madelaine Kukovica, Aishwarya Nandakumar, Isabella Renaud and Jennifer Zucchetti; advocated for student interests; acted as a liaison between the council and resident dons; and grew as a leader.

He gained a deeper appreciation for the college community through part-time work at St. Mike’s and the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education. Over the summer he worked as a Front Desk Receptionist at St. Mike’s, Assistant Instructor for the dance and movement camps at Camp U of T, Equity Programming and Workshops Assistant at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education and a summer researcher under the supervision of Dr. Danielle Dobney.

In September, he became a Don at Sorbara Hall. “All these experiences have prepared me for the privilege of serving my residents. I hope to make their first-year experiences as transformative as mine was—through floor events, great conversation and plenty of laughter,” he says. “I like just being there for my residents and hearing about their day. Any little problem that comes up, they know they can just knock on my door.”

His open-door policy extends to the airwaves as the newest host of SMC Unfiltered, a podcast about life at St. Mike’s. Elijah, along with his co-hosts Arib Hassam and Stephanie Pagano, openly share their experiences with common student concerns, including burnout, mental health and the importance of social support. Elijah is also able to provide insights from his training and work experience as a Don and his role in the Director of Equity and Inclusivity Programming’s Office this year.

This year, he and his friends Giuseppe Carito, Sariha Dewan, Alina Janayeva and Jacob Godfrey Paraiso co-founded SMC Run Club. As a form of exercise with a low barrier to participate, almost anyone can join, and a special community has formed around the sport. Once again, Elijah shared knowledge he gained through his physical health courses by creating a workout program for members to do in between runs. He’s received feedback that his fellow runners continued doing the workout plan throughout exam season and that it helped with their studies by reducing brain fog.

Run club members stretch before a run

Through the Run Club, he’s also found a way to express his creativity. Using his graphic design, photography and video editing talents, he promotes the club on Instagram and its mission of fostering connection and wellness through the slogan “bringing SMC together, one step at a time”.

“I have been able to challenge and grow so many different aspects of myself. St. Mike’s has shown me that if you have an idea, St. Mike’s is the place to share it,” he says.