InsightOut: An Open Door, A Standing Invitation

InsightOut: An Open Door, A Standing Invitation

Sonal Castelino, xmcj is the Director of Campus Ministry at the University of St. Michael’s College.

An open door, a standing invitation

Belonging | Curiosity | Joy | Faith| Encounter | Connections | Festivals | Art | Rituals | Culture| Friendship | Justice | Openness | Wholeness | Integrity | Good News | Silence| Searching | Worship | Advocacy| Conversion | Grace | Dialogue | Community| Hope | Engagement | Mercy | Space | Love | Service | Listening | Safe | Vocation | Mentors | Liturgy | Truth | Home| Diversity | Challenging | Prayer| Life | Exploration | Beauty| Peace | Food | Tradition | Architecture | Growth | Laughter | Conversation | Kindness | Celebration | Experience | Leadership | Journey | Compassion | Change | Novelty | Goodness | Conversation

Photograph of an ornate handle on a teal painted wooden door, opened slightly to a green natural background.

This random series of words comes from you! Well, some of you, with whom I have had the pleasure of meeting in the past six weeks, when we spoke of the place or the role Campus Ministry has played—or you would like to see play—in your life.

This list is by no means exhaustive but, at an initial look, shows the diversity of needs and expectations. Most of these words are relational and not solitary. I see a desire for community, a need to share, a want to be accompanied, a space where dreaming is possible.

I am honoured to be in this office and to witness clubs, discussion circles, associations, and friendships trying to create these spaces—spaces which seek to find life, growth, wholeness. I am here to support you to continue and for those who struggle to find this, to aid you in your searching.

Who am I?

I am Sonal, Director of Campus Ministry here at the University of St. Michael’s College. I was born and raised in the United Arab Emirates to immigrant parents. I was 18 years old when I moved to Canada—Mississauga, ON—for university. I arrived on campus, my new home away from home, in search of community, and was quickly able to find it through Residence Life and Campus Ministry. These supports gave me the courage needed to live new experiences, meet interesting people, and form meaningful friendships.

Life on campus enabled me to become more active in my faith and more curious about my place in the world, my relationship with God, my relationship to those around me. I wanted to find words to describe and name the interior movements going on within me—to be able to articulate my faith in an intelligible and accurate way while desiring to more deeply encounter this God who remains a mystery.

This turned me towards the study of theology. My hopes were twofold: to want to put my gifts to the service of young adults—especially on university campuses (I just love campus culture!) and to find a community of faith where I can plant roots, be challenged, grow and flourish, while enabling the community to do the same.

Through my studies and involvement in campus life, I found multiple support outlets—faith-based and secular; Christian and non-Christian; intellectual and service-oriented.

These outlets challenged me, encouraging me to grow and to move beyond my comfort level while also teaching me to be more comfortable and confident of myself. These experiences shaped me to allow myself to be touched by the hope and the hurt of the world and to work and pray as a response.

Photograph of Sonal Castalino holding a paper with text
Sonal Castelino at her vows ceremony

This interwoven spiritual, personal, and, eventually, professional journey (I worked in Campus Ministry at the Newman Centre and in Student Life at Regis College) pushed me to take another step—one of engagement, commitment in a more formal sense—religious life.

This summer, after three years of initial formation, I made temporary vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience with a religious congregation—La Xaviere Missionnaire du Christ Jesus (the Xaviere sisters), as a visible response to a personal desire, the desire being to be available to encounter God in my everyday life and to be a channel, enabling those around me to be open to encountering the mystery of God within themselves and in those around them.

This is my hope for Campus Ministry here at St. Mike’s as well! The list of words on top is beyond a to-do list. It is proof of life that is already flourishing and I hope that continues.

I wanted to share part of my story with you to invite you to reflect on your own experiences on campus, your story here at St. Mike’s—the joyful and the painful pieces, because they add up to make you!

I want to continue this conversation with you—hear of your story, how faith has been a part of it or not. My office is always open in Brennan Hall, Room 101. Drop by; I would love to meet you! 

Read other InsightOut posts.