InsightOut: Nurturing a Sense of Gratitude

Candy Hua is a third-year undergraduate student in the Faculty of Arts and Science and the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, studying Political Science and History. She aspires to pursue graduate school to further develop her research in these fields. Candy is actively involved in the St. Michael’s College community, currently serving as the Interfaith Campus Minister, and is a member of the Spiritual Life Committee and the Student Wellness Advisory Group. She also serves as an executive member of other student organizations on campus such as the Accessibility Awareness Club. Previously, she served as an orientation leader and student mentor. Passionate about giving back and making a difference in her community, she plans to contribute to St. Mike’s in the future.

On Thanksgiving, I find myself enveloped in a profound wave of gratitude, compelling me to share a piece of my heart with you. This season invites a moment of pause—a chance to reflect on the myriad blessings that fill my life, often in ways I once took for granted.

I recall a time when I would wake each morning, groaning at the thought of another day filled with school and responsibilities, oblivious to the fact that the very act of waking up was a precious gift. I think about the countless individuals around the world who would give anything for the opportunity to learn, to grow or simply to have a place to call home. I often grumbled about the food on my plate, forgetting that for many, a meal is a luxury.

In these moments, I realize just how blessed I truly am. As I’ve matured, I’ve learned to cherish the little things—the warmth of a roof over my head, the comfort of clothes that shield me from the cold and the simple joy of running water. These are not mere conveniences; they are the very fabric of my existence. I think about the vacations filled with laughter, the warmth of family gatherings, and the incredible community at St. Mike’s, which feels like a second family. The support and kindness I’ve received here have been a lifeline, a constant reminder that I am never alone.

My journey of gratitude has also led me to explore my spiritual life. I vividly remember the day I walked into the clubs’ fair at St. Mike’s, feeling a mix of excitement and uncertainty. I was searching for a way to connect with my faith, to find a sense of belonging. It was there that I met Sonal (Castelino) and Nicole (Ferrante), who welcomed me with open arms. I shared my struggles with them—how I felt disconnected from God, caught between the teachings of my Roman Catholic upbringing and the wisdom of Buddhism. I felt like a ship lost at sea, yearning for a lighthouse to guide me home.

Determined to reconnect, I began attending mass, volunteering, and reaching out to those in need. Each act of service filled my heart with warmth and purpose. I remember the first time I handed out food to those less fortunate; the smiles and gratitude I received in return were priceless. It was in those moments that I truly understood the transformative power of giving. I can still picture the faces of those I met, their eyes lighting up with hope, reminding me that even the smallest gesture can make a world of difference.

When the opportunity arose to become an interfaith minister, I took a leap of faith. I wanted to serve students from all walks of life, to listen to their stories, and to create a space where everyone felt valued. One of the most profound experiences I had was during a pilgrimage to the Martyrs’ Shrine. As we walked together, sharing laughter and stories, I felt an overwhelming sense of connection. The air was filled with the harmonious voices of our community during mass, creating a symphony of hope and love. It was a moment that reminded me of the beauty of faith and the strength of community.

Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate these connections, to gather around the table with loved ones, and to share in the joy of togetherness. This year, as I sit with my family, I will hold each of them close to my heart, grateful for the laughter, the stories, and the love that fills the room. I will remember that gratitude is not just a fleeting feeling; it is a way of life, a lens through which we can see the world in all its splendor.

As I reflect on my journey, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the people, experiences, and opportunities that shape my life. I aspire to inspire others to recognize the beauty in their own lives, to find meaning in every moment, and to cherish the connections that bind us together.

This Thanksgiving, I commit to nurturing this sense of gratitude, allowing it to guide my actions and interactions. I want to celebrate the love that surrounds me, the wisdom imparted by teachers, and the unwavering support of my family. I want to honour the moments of joy and the lessons learned through adversity. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I invite you to join me in embracing gratitude. Let us open our hearts to the beauty of life, to the love that surrounds us, and to the connections that make us whole. Together, let us celebrate not just the abundance on our tables, but the abundance of love, hope, and connection that truly makes life worth living. As we gather this Thanksgiving, let’s remember to hold each other a little tighter, to share our stories a little more openly, and to express our gratitude for the simple yet profound gift of being together. May our hearts overflow with joy, and may we always find reasons to be thankful.

Read other InsightOut posts.