Students invited to explore the complex relations of Christianity and Indigenous peoples in TRC seminar

Interested in the ongoing work of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada? Wondering about the role and responses of Christian Churches in relation to settler colonialism and the Indian Residential School System? First year, and now upper-year students are invited to explore the complex relations of Christianity and Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island in the Fall 2023 seminar, “Christianity, Truth and Reconciliation”– SMC185 for first-year students, CHC300 for upper-year students.  The course incorporates small seminar-style discussions, personal reflection and an experiential learning opportunity at the Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre in Sault Ste Marie during the fall reading week. 

For more information, please see the article, “A Rare and Deeply Impactful Experience” or watch this video on the course.

First-year students can enroll in SMC185H1F and upper-year students can enroll in CHC300H1F. The courses will occur simultaneously on Wednesday 11:00am – 1:00pm. Students who are interested or have any questions can reach out to