University of St. Michael’s College Junior Fellows Programme

The University of St. Michael’s College is seeking applicants to the College’s Junior Fellows Programme. Now in its third year, the initiative brings young scholars into the St. Michael’s community, fostering their research and building their professional connections while enriching the campus with their expertise and enthusiasm.

Professional students, graduate students, or advanced-degree graduates who have a substantial connection to the University of Toronto, and who seek to participate in and contribute to the University of St. Michael’s College and its community are encouraged to apply; applications from students at other universities may also be considered.

Fellows will be selected based on academic achievement and the potential contributions that they envision making to the College’s common life, mission, and Catholic identity and to its commitment to equity and diversity. In return for various forms of service to the College and active participation in the intellectual, spiritual, and social life of the College—such as convening reading groups, offering mentorship and programming, participating in committee work, and other forms of contribution to Collegiate life—Junior Fellows will enjoy an annual research stipend, full library privileges, faculty mentorship and professional development opportunities, access to the Faculty Dining Room and Common Rooms, and access to shared office space.

The deadline for applications for the 2023–2024 academic year is August 1st, 2023. Complete applications, consisting of a two-page letter of interest, a one-page CV, and one letter of reference, should be directed to