The Senate is the second of two bodies that govern the affairs of the University of St. Michael’s College. Its responsibilities concern academic matters, including the power to establish and regulate faculty councils, and it has the exclusive power to grant degrees and award diplomas and certificates within the University. The Senate also advises the Collegium on all academic and educational matters.
The Senate consists of the following members: (i) The Chancellor; (ii) The Vice-Chancellor; (iii) The members of the Collegium; (iv) The Principal of St. Michael’s College, the Dean of the Faculty of Theology, the Director of the Continuing Education Division, the Chief Librarian of the University, the Registrar of St. Michael’s College, and the Bursar of the University; (v) All Fellows of St. Michael’s College, all full-time members of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Theology, and all professional librarians employed by the University; (vi) Such other individuals, who are named from time to time by the Senate; (vii) One undergraduate student registered at St. Michael’s College, to be appointed by the St. Michael’s College Students’ Union, and one student in the Faculty of Theology, to be appointed by the Student Life Committee; (viii) Eight representatives of the alumni, two of whom must be alumni of the Faculty of Theology, chosen by election at an Annual General Meeting of the Alumni Association of the University
The Vice-Chancellor is the Chair of the Senate and the Registrar is the Secretary of the Senate. The Senate holds regular meetings twice each year, once in the autumn and once in the spring. There are four Standing Committees of the Senate: the Executive Committee, the Honorary Degrees Committee, the Library Committee and Academic Planning Committee in addition to the Faculty of Theology Council, the St. Michael’s College Council and the Council on Continuing Education.
For additional information about the Senate, please consult the Statutes of the Senate of the University of St. Michael’s College below.