2025 | Course Instructor | Christ the Saviour – Eastern Christian Perspectives

Closes: August 22, 2024

A survey of both patristic and contemporary approaches to Christological questions (how the divinity and humanity of Christ come together in one person).

  • Start Date
    January 6, 2025
  • Department
    Regis St. Michael's Faculty of Theology
  • Compensation
    $9,457.71 (includes vacation pay)
  • Hours
    Mondays, 7 PM to 9 PM
  • How to Apply
  • Terms


    Job Posting No. (please quote on application): 20251 SMT2210H
    Posting Date: July 23, 2024 Closing Date: August 22, 2024
    Position:  Course Instructor
    Number of Positions Available One (1)
    Term when the course will be offered: 2025 Winter
    Course Number & Course Title: SMT2210H- Christ the Saviour – Eastern Christian Perspectives
    Course Description: A survey of both patristic and contemporary approaches to Christological questions (how the divinity and humanity of Christ come together in one person). Soteriological questions will also be addressed (what is salvation, how Jesus saves, from what and for what He saves}. This will also necessitate some examination of Theological Anthropology (from creation according to the Divine Image to the fulfillment of likeness to God in Theosis/Divinization) and the human condition that requires an Incarnate Saviour. Comparisons will be made among ancient Christological approaches (Alexandria, Antioch, Rome), as well as between Eastern and Western Christian understandings of the means and the content of salvation. Emphasis will be placed on apophatic and antinomic tools for articulating an understanding of Christ the Saviour that operates coherently within the complex of the elements of Holy Tradition (Scripture, Fathers, Councils, Creeds, Liturgy, Iconography, Hagiography, etc.)


    Qualifications: Ph.D. with expertise in Eastern Christian Studies. Previous teaching experience in a similar course is strongly preferred. Ability to assume sole responsibility for the preparation and grading of all written assignments, and tests.
    Brief Description of Duties: Preparation and delivery of course content; goals/outcomes; development, administration and marking of assignments, tests and exams; calculation and submission of grades; holding regular office hours; supervising TAs (if any) assigned to the course.
    Salary: $9,457.71  (includes vacation pay)
    Estimated Course Enrolment: 10
    Estimated TA Support: N/A
    Class Schedule: Mondays, 7 PM to 9 PM
    Dates of the Appointment: January 6, 2025 to April 26, 2025
    Application Process Applicants should submit a cover letter, a current CV and names of three references via email to the Office of the Dean, RSM Faculty of Theology Rsm.dean@utoronto.ca


    This job is posted in accordance with the CUPE 3902 Unit 4 Collective Agreement.

    Please note that this position is tentative, pending funding, final course determinations and enrolments.

    We thank all applicants for their interest. Only those considered for an interview will be contacted.


    The University of St. Michael’s College is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons/persons of colour, women, Indigenous/Aboriginal people of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ persons, people who take a religiously informed view of human experience, and others who may contribute to further diversification of ideas.

    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

    If you require accessibility accommodation, please contact Human Resources at 416-926-1300 ext. 7191 or hr.stmikes@utoronto.ca


    If you are unable to teach at the scheduled time, this offer will be withdrawn.