USMC-Advanced Placement Capstone Research Colloquium

The second annual USMC-Advanced Placement Capstone Research Colloquium was held on May 26, 2023, in Charbonnel Lounge. The colloquium was the result of a pilot collaboration between the University of St. Michael’s College and the College Board intended to promote access to post-secondary opportunities.

Highschool student speaking in Charbonnel Lounge

Students at three Ontario high schools enrolled in the Advanced Placement Capstone Diploma, Bishop Reding Catholic Secondary School, Central Peel Secondary School, and De La Salle College were offered a unique opportunity to conduct research in a university setting, with the support of USMC personnel. Throughout the academic year, student participants had access to the extensive resources at the John M. Kelly Library as they conducted research for their capstone projects as well as to the Office of the Registrar and Student Services to learn more about post-secondary study, programs offered at USMC and the university application process.

Highschool students stand in front of their projects outside the Kelly Library

Sixty-six students participated in the program during the 2022-2023 academic year, seven were then selected to offer presentations or display posters. Advanced Placement coordinators and teachers, University Registrars, government and NGO officials who were in Toronto for the Annual College Board Canada Forum had the opportunity to attend the student presentations and poster displays. It was a delight to see the quality of the student presentations and the enthusiasm with which they shared their scholarly contributions with fellow students, educators and members of the wider academic community. Plans are already underway for next year’s program.