Discover the Richness of Islamic Tradition
- Duration: 4 weeks
- Day(s): Wednesdays
- Date: Wednesday, October 9 to Wednesday, October 30, 2024
- Time: 6:00 pm-9:00 pm
- Location: Online, via Zoom
- Fees: $150

Course Overview
“Islam 101” explores the basics, traditions, and values of the religion of Islam and the Muslim community. This course provides a platform to discuss and reflect on different aspects of Islamic faith and civilization.
Learning Outcomes/Objectives:
1. The “Islam 101” course teaches respect for people’s diverse religions, cultures, and backgrounds.
2. It explores diverse cultural and religious traditions of the Muslim community.
3. It helps students understand common values of Abrahamic faiths and builds relationships between diverse traditions.
4. It provides a platform to discuss and reflect on different aspects of Islamic faith and civilization.
5. It provides responses to common questions about Islamic faith and contemporary issues.
Student Experience
The “Islam 101” course is suitable for students with different educational levels or professional backgrounds, who are interested in learning more about diverse cultures and traditions of the Islamic faith and the Muslim community.
Course Outline
Week 1:
Introduction: Basic Understanding
- Meanings of Islam
- Pillars of Islam
- Articles of Faith
- The Quran
- Prophet Muhammad
Week 2:
Islamic Law
- Sources of Islamic Law:
- Primary Sources: Quran, Traditions of Prophet Muhammad, and Consensus of Muslim scholars
- Secondary Sources: Analogy, Consideration of the Public Interest of the Community, Prior Revelations to Islam, People’s Cultures, etc.
- Islamic Schools of Thought
- Reasons and Ethics of Juristic Differences in Islam
Week 3:
Universal Values of Islam
- Sacredness of People’s Lives, Properties, and Honor
- Freedom
- Justice
- Human Respect and Dignity
- Care for the Environment
- Equality and Equity
- Security and Safety
- Mercy for All
- Human Fraternity
Week 4:
Islamic Way of Life
- Realistic Discourse
- Flexibility and Adaptation
- Peaceful Co-existence
- Work for the Common Good
- Community Involvement
- Muslims in Canada
About the Instructor
Dr. Wael Shehab holds a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University and brings over two decades of experience in the area of the proposed course.
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