SMCE400X F25 – Demo CE Course Page

Write the Course Subheading (h2)

Tip: Begin the course subheading with an action verb and sum up the course essence/benefit. (Max 7-10 words). Why? An engaging subheading is more SEO-friendly than the course detail listing shown below. The subheading also appears on social media.

  • Course Category: General Interest, Professional Learning, Diploma in Interfaith Dialogue, Book Arts and Printmaking etc.
  • Delivery: In-person (hyphen between in-person) or online
  • Duration: 6 weeks
  • Day(s) of the week: TBD (e.g. Thursdays)
  • Date(s): Day, Month Date (e.g. Thursday, September 4)
  • Time: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm (use 12:00 hours format and use lowercase am and pm with spaces)
  • Location Building name, Room name/number and full address (See St. Mike’s campus map for details.)

Course Overview (H2)

Tip: Do not add hyperlinks to heading tags (H1, H2, H3 etc. Instead, add a hyperlink to the content paragraph text. Do not restyle the heading tags or add bold or italics. Use italics only when required. (e.g. a Book Title)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam felis erat, sagittis et leo in, fermentum imperdiet lorem. Morbi ac nisl sapien.

Add Subtitles as needed (H3)

Etiam sed semper elit. Ut elementum luctus facilisis. In porttitor sagittis est a cursus. Ut quis porta risus. In id libero convallis, fringilla mi vel, ultricies diam. Cras a turpis et metus aliquam auctor eget nec est. Aenean nisl ipsum, iaculis eget dignissim vitae, posuere eu libero.

How to add a Hyperlink (H3)

Tip: Do not write click here. Instead, write out the full hyperlink for screen readers and SEO. See AODA’s guidelines on how to correctly add hyperlinks to websites and documents

Maecenas congue neque finibus mollis tempus. Phasellus eget finibus augue. Vestibulum consectetur tempus erat a hendrerit. Cras sollicitudin at lorem eu interdum. Quisque at orci et velit pellentesque dictum et sed nunc. Ut imperdiet sem nunc, a auctor sem lacinia scelerisque.

Etiam sed semper elit. Ut elementum luctus facilisis. In porttitor sagittis est a cursus. Ut quis porta risus. In id libero convallis, fringilla mi vel, ultricies diam. Cras a turpis et metus aliquam auctor eget nec est. Aenean nisl ipsum, iaculis eget dignissim vitae, posuere eu libero

Learning Outcomes (H2) 

Maecenas congue neque finibus mollis tempus. Phasellus eget finibus augue. Vestibulum consectetur tempus erat a hendrerit. Cras sollicitudin at lorem eu interdum.

Quisque at orci et velit pellentesque dictum et sed nunc. Ut imperdiet sem nunc, a auctor sem lacinia scelerisque.

Etiam sed semper elit. Ut elementum luctus facilisis. In porttitor sagittis est a cursus. Ut quis porta risus. In id libero convallis, fringilla mi vel, ultricies diam. C

About the Instructor(s) (H2).

Tip: Keep all naming conventions consistent (e.g. About the Instructor(s) rather than “Instructor’s bio” or “Instructor”. Change to Panellist(s) or Moderator as needed.

Tip: CE to create a consistent content template for instructors.

Maecenas congue neque finibus mollis tempus. Phasellus eget finibus augue. Vestibulum consectetur tempus erat a hendrerit. Cras sollicitudin at lorem eu interdum.

Quisque at orci et velit pellentesque dictum et sed nunc. Ut imperdiet sem nunc, a auctor sem lacinia scelerisque.

Etiam sed semper elit. Ut elementum luctus facilisis. In porttitor sagittis est a cursus. Ut quis porta risus. In id libero convallis, fringilla mi vel, ultricies diam.

Questions?  (H2)

  • EmailGet in touch:
  • Continuing Education OfficesContinuing Education Offices: Alumni Hall, Rooms 309 – 313 121 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1J4

Register Now (H2)

Tip: If the course is cancelled or postponed, this section can be replaced with the “Course Postponed) pattern.

Tip: The form below can be edited for each course). Copy and paste the embedded code for the matching form.

SMCE3004 F25 – Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching

  • $ 0.00 CAD
  • ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** When submitting your form please do not resubmit if you receive an error message. We will contact you if there is an issue with your submission. Thank you.
  • ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** If you are having trouble completing the payment portion of the form please zoom out on your screen: Mac: Command key & Minus Key or PC: Control Key & Minus Key
  • Cancellation and Withdrawal Policy Form

    Student withdrawal, course cancellation and transfer guidelines associated with all Continuing Education courses and programs can be found here.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

SMCE3004 F25 – Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching

  • $ 0.00 CAD
  • ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** When submitting your form please do not resubmit if you receive an error message. We will contact you if there is an issue with your submission. Thank you.
  • ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** If you are having trouble completing the payment portion of the form please zoom out on your screen: Mac: Command key & Minus Key or PC: Control Key & Minus Key
  • Cancellation and Withdrawal Policy Form

    Student withdrawal, course cancellation and transfer guidelines associated with all Continuing Education courses and programs can be found here.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Add the alt text