Exterior of a French cinema

SMCE4012 F25 Cinélangue: Explore French Cinema and Language

Discovering French Language and Culture Through Film

  • Delivery: In-person
  • Duration: 4 weeks
  • Day of the week: Thursdays
  • Dates: October 16 – November 6
  • Time: 6:30- 8:30 p.m.
  • Location: On-campus at the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto (location TBD)
  • Cost: $225 (includes HST)

Course Overview

Immerse yourself in the world of French cinema while enhancing your language skills. During this course, we will watch excerpts from iconic films, from classic masterpieces to contemporary hits, while learning French vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and pronunciation through cinematic context. Each session combines discussion and reactions to the film with practical language exercises, allowing you to actively practice speaking, listening, and comprehension. Whether you’re a film lover or a language enthusiast, this course offers a dynamic and interactive way to deepen your appreciation for both French culture and language.

Method of Instruction

Using film as our text, learners will be guided in interactive exercises designed to improve speaking, listening and conversation skills. Learners will add new French words and phrases to their lexicons, and practice conversation and dialogue. This course is suitable for beginning learners.

Learning Outcomes

In this course, learners will:

• Expand knowledge of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions in French
• Enhance listening comprehension and conversational skills in French
• Gain insight into French culture and history through discussion of and reaction to French films.

About the Instructor

Career educator and author, Dr. Salvatori serves as Director of Continuing Education at the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto.  Prior to this role, Michael served as Vice President of Strategy and as Associate Professor at Niagara University in Ontario.

As the Chief Executive Officer and Registrar of the Ontario College of Teachers from 2009-2021, Michael led Canada’s largest self-regulatory body for the teaching profession.

Earlier in his career, Michael served as an elementary and secondary school core French and French immersion teacher, a vice-principal, principal, and as an assistant professor at Glendon College of York University.

Long a champion of second language education, he is fluent in French, Italian, English and German and is author and co-author of numerous textbooks and teacher resources.


  • EmailGet in touch: ce.stmikes@utoronto.ca
  • Continuing Education OfficesContinuing Education Offices: Alumni Hall, Rooms 309 – 313 121 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1J4

Register Now

SMCE4012 F25 – CinéLangue: Explore French Cinéma and Language

  • $ 0.00 CAD
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    Student withdrawal, course cancellation and transfer guidelines associated with all Continuing Education courses and programs can be found here.
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Exterior of a French cinema