Although Ontario’s stay-at-home order has required the first floor of the John M. Kelly Library to be closed to outside visitors, its curbside pickup service continues to provide students, faculty and staff a way to access books in the collection. Other services continue to be offered in an online format.
To support the community’s access to materials while also following public health guidelines, Kelly Curbside Pickup runs Monday to Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Patrons with a valid UTORid will be able to submit a request through the UTL catalogue for any physical items in the collection not already available through the Hathitrust Digital Library. When the materials are ready for collection, patrons will receive a pickup notice by email.
Visitors using the service will queue in a waiting area and then proceed to approach the window near the book return slot under the awning of the library, and boxes marked with tape on the ground will indicate where patrons should wait in order to maintain a safe physical distance. All pickups will be handled outside. Patrons who cannot come in person can place a note in the catalogue request for their friends or family members to pick up materials for them.
As the winter semester continues, students can also request research assistance and writing help, with a variety of services available through one-on-one appointments conducted online. Due dates for all UofT library materials have been extended to April 30, 2021, although books can still be returned through the library book-drop at both the Kelly Library and Robarts.
The Kelly Library has made available full instructions for using the curbside pickup service, including health and safety guidelines and FAQs.